Random thoughts on a Harthal

Jobless or ‘jobbed’, I love Harthals! <3 The Harthal, as you know, is a mass-impasse imposed upon the populace by a group/political-party (or even a random Kanjirappalli Kariyachan) to protest/support/enjoy/rejoice/burst-crackers-for/dance-away-to-celebrate/booze-up-to-commemorate [citation needed]  an issue. The issue could be something as puny as the new government rule that would pull the plug on crores of ‘extra-earnings’ accrued… Continue reading Random thoughts on a Harthal

Culture Shock

My uncle made a sudden announcement that he’s migrating to the U.S. of A, to the family’s surprise. His company posted him overseas with a pay that’s equivalent to ten times as much it’s worth in motherland. Despite the odds, especially the countless diplomatic hassles, he decided to pack his bags and live the american dream with… Continue reading Culture Shock

Torment to Triumph

Those magic eyes in perennial sparkling-glory, And the vivacious smile that kills each worry, Have abruptly muted their radiating presence; Your face now betrays painful silence. Perhaps fate played its game unfair, Or you were overwhelmed with scare, A blitzkrieg of failure broke apart, All your hopes and crushed your heart! Before you resign to… Continue reading Torment to Triumph

You are what you eat!

Food – arguably, the most essential requirement for existence of life on the face of Planet Earth. Food is the most ubiquitous and integral part of our lives. Each day, we gobble up countless quantities of food items, savoring the taste, barely remembering to have a neat look at the stuff we ingest. For most… Continue reading You are what you eat!